Ansible tip - Looping over dictionaries, example with AWS Launch Configurations


The tip in this post assumes you are working with Ansible AWS auto-discovery See the documentation here


In this example we have a system that works solely with AWS Auto Scale Groups, in effect the list of Launch Configurations (lcs) holds the list of services:

  - role: frontend
  - role: management
  - role: backend
  - role: algo
  - role: zookeeper

The frontend and the management services are customer facing and will run behind an ELB, while the backend and algo services will run internally and with an Application Load Balancer. The zookeeper service will run internally, but not behind any load balancer

So the detailed lcs dictionary looks like this:

  - role: frontend
    subnet: private
    type: t2.micro
      - device_name: /dev/sda1
        volume_size: 8
    groups: [allow_vpc, allow_ssh]
    elb_location: "public-{{ envname }}"
    elb: True
  - role: management
    subnet: private
    type: t2.micro
      - device_name: /dev/sda1
        volume_size: 8
    groups: [allow_vpc, allow_ssh]
    elb_location: "public-{{ envname }}"
    elb: True
  - role: backend
    priority: "1"
    subnet: private
    type: t2.micro
      - device_name: /dev/sda1
        volume_size: 8
    groups: [allow_vpc, allow_ssh]
    alb_location: "private-{{ envname }}"
    alb: True
  - role: algo
    priority: "1"
    subnet: private
    type: t2.micro
      - device_name: /dev/sda1
        volume_size: 8
    groups: [allow_vpc, allow_ssh]
    alb_location: "private-{{ envname }}"
    alb: True
  - role: zookeeper
    subnet: private
    type: t2.micro
      - device_name: /dev/sda1
        volume_size: 8
    zk: True

Ansible Role Tasks looping through the above dictionary

In order to create the corresponding Launch Configurations the following three loops need to be created: Note the filtering of the dictionary using | and selectattr

- name: create customer facing services launchconfigurations
  with_items: "{{ lcs|selectattr('elb', 'defined')|selectattr('elb')|list }}"
    name: "LC-{{ envname }}-{{ item.role }}"
- name: create internal services launchconfigurations
  with_items: "{{ lcs|selectattr('alb', 'defined')|selectattr('alb')|list }}"
    name: "LC-{{ envname }}-{{ item.role }}"
- name: create zookeeper launchconfiguration
  with_items: "{{ lcs|selectattr('zk', 'defined')|selectattr('zk')|list }}"
    name: "LC-{{ envname }}-{{ item.role }}"

So assuming our Environment name is staging we will get 5 Launch Configurations:

  • LC-staging-frontend
  • LC-staging-management
  • LC-staging-backend
  • LC-staging-algo
  • LC-staging-zokeeper